Did you know there is a social networking community that pays members 100% ad revenue?
What is Flixya?
By offering similar elements of popular social networking sites and combining a monetization method for content producers in one solution, Flixya offers a powerful method to publish and monetize on line content and generate revenue. Flixya offers a member focused platform where people can share videos, photos and blogs. The members keep all ad revenue generated from each piece of content that is contributed.
This is your chance to OWN your piece of Flixya and generate revenue! $$$$
No other website offers a combination of video sharing, image hosting and social networking that pays members to do what they generally do for free on sites such as Myspace or Facebook.
Flixya is the first social networking community to offer 100% revenue to participating members. We feel Flixya represents the second generation of social networking and raises the bar for the future of online social responsibility.
So, what's the catch?The best part about this – is that there is NO catch! You can sign up today and be on your way to earning money by doing the same things you already do for free online!

Many of our members make between $25 to $1000 per month or more and there are no fees to get started!
OK! Sounds great! How do I get started? It's quick and easy, just go to Flixya and sign up! If you do not have a Google publisher id – you can sign up for one during registration or enter your existing Google publisher id. It takes only seconds to register.
The next step is to keep an eye on your email and confirm both the email from Flixya and an additional email you'll receive from Google.
Once you are accepted into the Adsense program, you are on your way to earning money just by sharing videos, photos and blogs!
Bonus Material!
Here are some tips from a current Flixya member on how to drive traffic. This information will help you get started and drive more traffic which can help to increase your earnings.
The Top 5 Ways to Drive Traffic on Flixya.com
1. Add Quality Content
Original content and sharing videos that have are entertaining is key. A lot of times people think that adding content like girls on web cams or inappropriate stuff will drive traffic. The fact is, it does drive traffic, however, if it's deemed inappropriate, not only do you risk losing your Google Adsense publisher account, but no ads will appear surrounding your content. There are many Flixya members who have been suspended as well due to adding inappropriate videos and photos. Why risk losing your Flixya account and the opportunity to generate an income?
2. Share Your Content
Another point made in the Flixya newsletter was that the first step in driving traffic was to share the content. People will find your content, if there is any entertainment value, which brings me to my next tip:
3. Always add Accurate Titles
I think you're doing yourself a huge disservice if you do not add an accurate title that describes your video, photo or blog. A title such as "Car video" isn't going to generate any interest. However, a title such as "CRASH! BMW drifting in school parking lot" is much more interesting and will result in more views.
4. Always add a Description
Additional information that can be added into a description is as necessary as an accurate title. People may be more interested in the video (or photos) if you can provide a strong description. An example: "Check out my friend driving his new 2007 BMW in our school parking lot right before he hits a tree!" is much stronger than "Cool video".
5. Always add Tags! (keywords)
No one will see your video or content if you do not surround your video with relevant keywords. Videos and photos are not optimized for search engines and naturally, the only way they will be indexed in a search engine is with relevant text. The text that surrounds the content is also how the Google AdSense contextual ads are generated.
Adding content without a descriptive title, accurate description and lack of tags, will result in your content being buried and no one will know just how funny or entertaining your video is!
As easy and fun as sharing videos and photos and blogs can be, take the time to follow these tips or you are just wasting your time! Uploading a collection of 30 photos with the the title "Birds" isn't going to do much.
Quick Text Editing Tip: When you are logged in - you can edit or make changes to your videos and photos (after an upload) by clicking into the title and descriptions? Try it, it's a very quick editing feature that not a lot of people know about.
Online community guide : My review about Flixya
1.Flixya is social networking community that pays members 100% ad revenue.
2.Flixya has a beautiful profile page for their member.
3.Flixya has a vote system to picture and video.
4.you can join Flixya free
Adding content without a descriptive title, accurate description and lack of tags, will result in your content being buried and no one will know just how funny or entertaining your video is!
As easy and fun as sharing videos and photos and blogs can be, take the time to follow these tips or you are just wasting your time! Uploading a collection of 30 photos with the the title "Birds" isn't going to do much.
Quick Text Editing Tip: When you are logged in - you can edit or make changes to your videos and photos (after an upload) by clicking into the title and descriptions? Try it, it's a very quick editing feature that not a lot of people know about.
Online community guide : My review about Flixya
1.Flixya is social networking community that pays members 100% ad revenue.
2.Flixya has a beautiful profile page for their member.
3.Flixya has a vote system to picture and video.
4.you can join Flixya free
So, what are you waiting for? Join Flixya Here :)